Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Enjoying the Sunshine

I have been back on the walking routes and trails.  Since my treadmill broke ( another cruel joke someone was playing on me) or so I suspect, I am just thankful to see beautiful days.  I have been drinking lots of water and walking with friends.  Some great support folks.  I want to say a big thank you for all of your love and support.  It is making the journey a little bit better for me.

I find that we have some pretty good conversations and get in a lot of good people watching.  It's nice to see what's going on in the world.  I also find it's a good reminder for me to get to the store to get myself some fruit for my afternoon snacks.  So all in all it has encouraged my healthy eating.

Today's message is short but sweet so I will be sure to let you know if we see anything interesting out there while we are on our walks. =)  Have a Blessed day everyone!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Being Creative without Electricity

I have had to find ways to be more creative about eating without any electricity in the house.  There was a power outage on Monday and it would seem to me that someone played a cruel and horrible joke on me and my son.  All the power came back on in the house accept for in the kitchen. Since the house is older it has some work that needs to be done so I wasn't too surprised that it happened like that.  Granted there wasn't that much going on in the refrigerator nor in the cabinets since I hadn't had a chance to go shopping yet.  So what is a girl to do.  It being so late in the evening when we got home I really didn't feel like going back out into the nasty storm so I wound up making sandwiches.  Keep in mind I am trying to stay away from the breads, pasta's or the other carbs.  I think I am being valid in the decision to have a sandwich this time since I can't cook or make anything else.

I called PG& E to have them come out and check to see what was going on and the service technician said that there was a bad circuit breaker that would need to be repaired.  Okay great I thought to myself its 9:00 at night where the heck is our property management gonna find someone that can help at this hour, not to mention that they would even want to come out in this storm.  Needless to say we resolved that we would just go on to bed thinking that an electrician would be in the plan for Tuesday.

Well Tuesday morning I got on the phone again and requested that they send someone out.  I was told that maybe since it was raining so hard there may not be anyone that would be willing to come out as it would be a safety issue.  What the heck are we gonna do for food?  My son was sure he knew what we would be eating... mommy why don't we go to McDonald's?  Well son,  I told him I really don't think you need to have that so let's just go and get a nice salad and have that.  His reply was,  " What with NO MEAT or BREAD!!!"  My baby loves rice also so he was fit to be tied when he learned that the microwave didn't work.  The stove or oven didn't work either.  What is going on here?  He asked me if we were considered poor now since we had no electricity in the kitchen.  I thought that was super hilarious only to see he was less than pleased with his mom for laughing at what was surely a dire emergency.  He broke the whole thing down for me so that I could understand it.  You know because sometimes parents are so old we forget things.  =)

You see mom,  10 year old boy's need their strength and they need milk for strong bones.  How can you be laughing when my bones are losing their calcium at an alarming rate without receiving my usual daily supply? How long is the refrigerator, stove, & microwave gonna be out for?  I need sustenance mom this is no joking matter.  I could only look at him, still laughing only this time inside so that I would not offend him again. I told him that I would figure something out.

So we had salad for dinner and I was able to take the toaster into the living-room so that he could make some toast to go with it,  since he just needed to have bread and I bought him a small container of milk so that it wouldn't go bad and he could get his daily supply that he was telling me about.  While enjoying our meal I was trying to think of what else we could have until they get the power problem taken care of.  I don't want to buy fast food everyday nor do I want anything to spoil as the fridge has become a mere storage area only without the power.

I am hoping to have the power back on soon!  Pray for us.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hijacked - Working my way back

Hello everyone,

My apologies for the little hiatus.  I was having some technical difficulties but, now I am back.

Well after much hard work I was finally able to get back into my blog.  I am not sure if it was the user error or if someone in the cyber world  was keeping me back from giving my updates.  Since I was last able to check in way back in January... I have been diligently working on losing some weight.  I have been walking quite a bit and even eating healthier than I already was.  I am sure everyone has heard of one cleanse product or another but, I decided to go ahead and get one of those.  It was a 15 day cleanse and I did lose several pounds with it. I was very pleased with the results.  I didn't lose as much as I thought I would but it did help me jump-start my system and get me on the right path.  I am drinking lots of water and with the walking I am doing it has helped a great deal.

I have had some minor set backs since my last entries.  There was some trouble on the home front and I finally realized that I am truly an emotional eater.  I had said that before in one my previous entries,  but I couldn't have found that out at a more inopportune time. Meaning why did it have to happen when I am trying to lose weight and progressing so very well.  My son my very reason for being was having some serious trouble dealing with a  issue and while helping him work this problem out I started to get back on the old path of eating rice, having bread, and occasionally having some sweets. No it wasn't all the time but it was frequent enough that it could undo the few pounds that I did lose.  I would not eat a whole lot of these things but, since I know what they do to my body it would have been better to just get away from them altogether instead of heading down the path of destruction.

I would eat the rice with vegetables and instead of having a half of a cup I would have maybe 2 cups of rice and in my world with these hips and the rest of what I have to go with it, well it was pandemonium. The rice, the bread, the sweets are on a first name basis with me. Maybe just my middle name, but anyway when I put them in my mouth, all I could hear inside my head is girl didn't you miss all this is? ( if food could talk then my brain was interpreting the foods to be saying these words.)  I don't nor did I go out eating burgers and fries every day but again you know if you shouldn't have rice or lets say as much rice then why put it in your mouth.    I was sitting in my bedroom thinking I feel bad about eating the way I have been for the past few days and I just may have undone all of my hard work.

How is it that you can eat like that and it be so good while you're doing it and then moments later feel so sad, depressed, or even unsatisfied.  Most of my friends have told me that I am not eating bad at all.  You are having something from the basic food groups and you aren't eating a lot of fried foods. I eat and love vegetables, salads, and fruits.   Most of the meats I am eating are baked, or grilled so there is little to no fat if there is any at all.  Some how that doesn't make me feel any better.

I need to get to the root of the problem.  What is or what did cause me to gain the weight in the beginning that I can't seem to put a handle on.

I need to know my self worth and realize that I am not the only person that has had or will have an issue with weight.  

Thanks for listening............more to come.